Canvas is an established and exciting print design studio producing contemporary, exclusive prints for the global fashion industry.

We have a vibrant team of designers with a wealth of experience in the fashion and textiles industry, ranging from swimwear to high fashion brands.

Our collection is constantly evolving as new designs are added all the time. We strive to create a balance of intricate digital designs as well as hand produced, graphic, clean work within the collection.

Covering a vast array of trends, we draw influence from the culture of London, catwalks, exhibitions and vintage finds. This allows us to produce quality artwork which reflects upcoming trends and ideas.

Kayleigh Noele

Kayleigh is based in London, UK and New York City, NY. She has worked in web design for almost two decades and began specialising as a Squarespace Web Designer, working with 100s of small and solo businesses worldwide, in 2017.




Design Studio Bjork-forth